Комментарии пользователя, загрузившего видео (Suspicious0bservers)
- Okay so I am reading a book called Fractal Time and Gregg Braden is talking about our bodies creating electromagnetic fields and I believe we are powerful enough to strengthen our protective field....I will be praying and meditating to do just this. We are powerful...Yes we are·
- This is the essence of my video 'I Am HAARP'
· в ответ на reneastark - Photon Belt, look it up! I just fell upon it recently and it answers many of my questions. Excellent vid and entertaining, I'm sharing it again tonight with family. Would love your input.
· - The 'photon belt' is kind of nonsensical. There is a cloud of dust and gas particles and charged particles tightly confined by a magnetic field. There is certainly no belt of stationary or flowing photons of any density to speak of. I think that the IBEX data on the ENA magnetic ribbon was also misinterpreted as being part of this cloud of particles outside the heliosphere.
· в ответ на D.R. Daily - what are your thoughts on chemtrails?
· - They are trying to block the radiation getting through. Unfortunately, they are lying about it, it's bad to play god, they may do more long-term harm in the process, the chemicals are toxic to humans, and implementation might be catastrophic enough to plant life that starvation of humans is a legit worry without aluminum resistant GMO food. Unfortunately, I trust Monsanto less than i trust Satan, and despite the faked GMO food scare papers, I still maintain we shouldnt eat GMO [proof pending]
· в ответ на TheHappyjack1969
Лучшие комментарии
- That all you got?
- what an ignorant thing to say. explain how haarp is affecting the sun, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, and the ENA ribbon. I bet you think any blip on radar over the US is 'haarp' even though the word 'auroral' is in the name. Ever wonder how our community seems to have so much evidence but nobody takes us seriously? It's because we don't seem to know what the hell we are saying with HAARP, and various other topics.